
East Cooper Community Outreach

Throughout the year, Holy Cross collects food for ECCO, a local food pantry that provides groceries to those in poverty. We collect tons of food each year through special collection Sundays to help those in need. 

KAIROS Prison Ministry

Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. (Kairos) is a lay-led, interdenominational Christian ministry in which men and women volunteers bring Christ's love and forgiveness to prisoners and their families.

Trained teams from Holy Cross and other churches assist with weekend conferences inside the prison. All parishioners can help the teams by baking cookies to distribute to prisoners throughout the weekend. 

St. Albans at the Citadel

Church of the Holy Cross partners with St. Albans, serving cadets, including monthly gatherings. If you are interested in helping with this ministry please let us know. 

Interest Form

Seafarers Christmas

Each year, more than 65,000 seafarers arrive on hundreds of vessels in the Charleston Port. Most crews are made up of seafarers from many different countries and from many cultures. Three to four nationalities are common on one vessel, with a crew of around 25 seafarers. Many are lonely, away from home, and their families for up to a year at a time. The need and opportunity for ministry to these brothers and sisters is tremendous.

We operate three Seafarers Centers at Wando Welch Terminal, North Charleston Terminal and Columbus Street Terminal. All Centers provide religious material, Bibles, magazines and other items along with phone, computer and internet access. 

We have vehicles and volunteers ready to provide free transportation to local shopping and other attractions. Our volunteers are committed to providing what the visiting seafarers need and we go to great lengths to make sure they are helped.


Christmas Turkey Fry

Each year on Christmas Eve morning, a group gathers to fry turkeys for our neighbors. It is an incredible time of fun.

Why? To be the hands and feet of Jesus this Christmas by providing some of those less fortunate than us with a fried turkey for Christmas dinner, with love from Holy Cross Church.

Who can help? Everyone! Got family in town? Bring them along to introduce them to your Holy Cross church family and have some great fellowship time as you kick off a joyful Christmas celebration in style! Every person needs to sign-up to volunteer. Once you sign-up a a volunteer coordinator will contact you.

Who are we serving? Each year we support a local ministry to provide each family with a fully fried turkey that’s wrapped and ready for Christmas dinner!

Want to Serve?

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